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Opening date 16/02/2024 00:00
Chronicle High Five
Rank 42
Votes 75
Uptime 90.2%
Last Check 37 minute(s) ago
Rates x1001-x2000

x1200 New Pvp server Updated forts system A unique PvP Zone, for confronting players from 18 00 to 00 00. Top best players in PvP for the day and week with a reward. new.png New clan development system new.png Clan Raid Bosses Raid Bosses and exchange points for a reward. Обновленный дроп Ñ 7 РБ. New quest associated with the murder of 7 RB. [Supplement] Magic Dragon Chest new.pngSpecial farm zones (Alt + B) for fast character leveling and production of game currency. new.pngRPG Skill Learning System NEW Pets Additional improvement of cloaks. 36/16 slots for buffs, duration 1 hour and 10 personal buff schemes. Complete auto-learning of class skills. Macros and nipple lag are absent. Endless arrows / nipples. 1st, 2nd and 3rd professions in alt + b for adena. Shop up to S84 grade for in-game currency. Mana banks restore 1400 MP, rollback 10 sec. Hellbound Island is open and has level 11. Chance of Crafting Master Work 10%. Weight limit increased 15 times Inventory 150 slots. Global chat for all players. Sieges and TV every week. One owner can have no more than 3 flags at the same time! The flags of all castles return to their original locations immediately before each Battle of the Earths.

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